måndag 10 februari 2014


Okay, my very brilliant friend told me to see Sherlock. I dragged out on seeing it since I'm well aware that I get hooked on whatever I find interesting or good. You can't even imagine. Anywho, I started and I've gotten to the last episode of the second season. Took me all day -.- I want to kill her. Now I'm so in love with it and I'm going to be sad later becasue I know how Steven Moffat works. I love his works and appriciate his works but I really don't want it to end. I love that this show is so complete and there aren't any plot holes. It had that charm that you want and need in a show. Humor and seriousness as well as brainy. I really recomend it to anyone staying home bored one day or who really like witty jokes and crime. It's brilliant really. So far I'd give it an 9/10.

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