måndag 10 februari 2014

Au Pair!

When I was twelve years old I started thinking about what I wanted out of life. My list wasn't super long and to most people it seemed silly really but I was sure of what I wanted and what I still want. I've acomplished the things on my list very well I think. This is what the list looked like...

*Study media (Film/Directing) - Did at NTI Lulea <3

* Graduate - 2013 Done and I'm glad I did.

* Go abroad and study - Malta hey!

* Become and Au pair (Becasue I love to work with children and I'm good at it) - This week I found a family a bit outside of London that seems really nice. It was hard to chose since I had four different families waiting for responce but they were the once that sounded good to me. It sort of made sense. They seemed like nice people and the baby is really cute. No, I'm glad with my choice. Now I just hope everything goes well. I'm expecting to start in mid June if everything is okay. Something I have learned this week however is that I don't know how to sign off an E-mail and when I'm nervous I'm answer shortly. I could have been more fluent as my English is more than good and fluent, but I think I choked up a bit. Even when I talked with my host family mother afterwards, I stumbled on the words. Gosh, I probably sounded a little stupid.

I've taken care of babies before and it's always just been easy. I can hear what's wrong before they even cry and what's wrong based on the cry. It's not world sience for me. My sister used to call me the Sleep master just for the reason that I used to be the only one who could make the young once sleep.

I remember when I broke my toe and stomped in a spike in my foot but remained quiet so that Ronny wouldn't wake up as he was in my arms and I had to put him in his crib before I walked out and cied silently in pain. I guess that's something I'm thankful for. My stepmother was always hard on those kind of things. Not to scare the children even if you're scared and such things. I feel good about it and secure in my role.

Anyway, so I'm going to spend the next year or so as an Au Pair. I have to say that I'm excited about it but try to down play it a lot as I know changes might happen and I'm always scared to be too happy about things. Over all my life seems to be on a path and I like it.

I miss my mom and her cooking so she will have to make me food when I come home in May <3

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